Films Dreams Colombia: The Music that Inspires Tunjuelito
November 14, 2024
Gift and Food Package Delivery to the Secretariat of Economic Development of Facatativá
December 19, 2024

Comprehensive Training Program in Obstacle Courses

The HOUDING Foundation reaffirms its commitment to the comprehensive development of youth by sponsoring the innovative Foco Program (Comprehensive Training Program in Obstacle Courses), an initiative designed specifically for boys and girls from 4 to 14 years old. This comprehensive training program aims to encourage the development of physical and mental skills through a unique focus on obstacle racing, a sport that challenges both the body and the mind.

Under the guidance of expert coaches, participants will have the opportunity to learn specialized techniques to overcome various obstacles, ranging from walls and nets to rings and handrails. Each session is designed to improve endurance, coordination, teamwork and, especially, discipline.

With the support of the HOUDING Foundation, the Focus Program continues to advance its mission of transforming the lives of children, providing them with the necessary tools to reach their maximum potential in an environment that promotes effort, respect and teamwork.


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