Caso de Exito Film´s Dreams Colombia
July 2, 2024
Proyecto de Formación Músical
August 14, 2024

Success Story Movies Dreams

Who is Films Dreams Colombia?

Films Dreams is a company in the cultural sector specialized in composing, recording and performing music for film and audiovisual media. It was founded in February 2022 by Wilmer Guzmán, musician, composer and orchestra director. Films Dreams has a group called Film’s Dreams Symphony Orchestra, made up of professional musicians and in the last semesters of undergraduates, who develop various activities such as: cinema, live music concerts; with soundtracks from famous movies such as Superman, Batman, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean; Also, soundtracks for television series and even Japanese anime.

Within the line of thematic concerts, Films Dreams launches a leadership and emotional intelligence workshop for the year 2024, which is given by a professional clinical psychologist and accompanied by original and pre-existing film music. The entire workshop is with the cinematographic theme of DC comics and Marvel Studios.

Another line that Films Dreams covers is the composition and recording of original music for cinema and audiovisual media.




What was the first event held by Films Dreams Colombia and the first in collaboration with the Houding Foundation?

On October 25, 2023, Films Dreams held its first concert with ticket sales at the Externado University in Colombia. During this event, spectators were treated to musical renditions of movie soundtracks. The event was a complete success, several attendees expressed their satisfaction and approached the stage to congratulate the musicians, among these people was the representative of the Houding Foundation, Ricardo Castro. This interaction marked the beginning of the relationship between both businessmen, in which Ricardo offers Films Dreams his support to exploit its potential.

After several meetings between the Foundation and Films Dreams Colombia, on December 16, 2023, the Movie Christmas concert was held, performed by Film’s Dreams Symphony Orchestra, sponsored by the Houding Foundation and with the support of BibloRed and DC Fans Colombia. The support of the Foundation in collaboration with BibloRed made it possible for admission to the concert to be free in order to generate greater exposure to Films Dreams and its talent.

Wilmer, what learning do you highlight from working with the Foundation?

What I highlight is the human part. The vision of the Foundation is to help companies, the seed that the Foundation planted in my company made it possible for us to grow, open new lines of business and organize our objectives.

Secondly, I relate my learnings to business. I have learned to be a better leader, to sell my services, and to express myself verbally and with my gestures to my potential clients.

What recommendations do you have for new entrepreneurs?

Don’t give up, it’s not easy being an entrepreneurial businessman. There is a tendency to idealize, but the important thing is not to lose focus and not give up despite the difficulties.

Look for a guide or advisors who have experience, this gives a push to open paths and focus on where you are going. Before the advice and advice that I have received from the Foundation, I only had two lines of business, now I have seven.

Films Dreams Colombia with the support of the Houding Foundation and in alliance with the INEM Santiago Pérez Tunal School, will begin a symphonic musical training program with an emphasis on film music in the second half of 2024. This program will be taught free of charge to children and young students of the INEM School, the town of Tunjuelito and the city of Bogotá.


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